How to Apply Pencil Eyeliner

an make the application of the eyeliner pencil correctly your eyes see 'more dramatic. Apply eyeliner pencil is much simpler to apply than liquid eyeliner in...

Liquid Eyeliner Avon Color Trend

Eyeliner Styles Liquid Eyeliner Avon Color Trend A few weeks ago I did an entry on eyeliner gel of Bobbi Brown I'm terrible for the liquid eyeliner.Well, no more... I present the liquid eyeliner Color Trend of Avon :After trying MANY different brands of liquid eyeliner I had given up. Had accepted that the fine motor was not mine, but I remembered that I had read a good review of this product so here I passed a local Avon and I bought it. when I got me an outline FINALLY perfect!Clearly the secret was in the little brush and length ...As you can...