How to Apply Pencil Eyeliner

an make the application of the eyeliner pencil correctly your eyes see 'more dramatic. Apply eyeliner pencil is much simpler to apply than liquid eyeliner in...

Purple Gold Eye Makeup

Eye Liner Styles Purple Gold Eye Makeup This isn't my own design, I just recreated a makeup I once found from Google. If you know where it's from or who has done it, let me know so I can credit the artist!Makeup by Erin McCarthyProducts used :TFSI primerSugarpill Poison PlumSugarpill AfterpartyTrucco Angel blue & Angel violet (easily dupable with MUFE starpowders #942, or fyrinnae ghost shades etc)Sugarpill GoldiluxMAC Reflects BronzeSugarpill TakoMUFE Purple 11L Aqua eyes pencilBlack gel liner / pencilmascarafalse lashesNote that this...