Makeup Tips: Eyeliner Tips
It is certainly not the easiest of makeup to use, but when used properly, eyeliner can give incredible results. It's just a matter of practice! The eyeliner tips goal is to get a perfect line, without tremors nor hesitations.
On eyeliner tips we must first know that the eyeliner always comes second to last in makeup, followed by mascara. Also, before applying, make sure that everything is in place!
Be also safe of having good lighting without shadow and of remove rings and bracelets for avoid discomfort.
The eyeliner pencil is perfect for creating a fine line. Hold the eyeliner as you hold your pen with your dominant hand. Of the other hand, hold the eye firmly. The line of eyeliner traces itself always the outer corner inward.
The next eyeliner tips, try not to focus on the whole eyelid, keep your attention on the part of the eye as you draw.
Even if our reflexe natural is to close the eye when one realizes the eyeliner, try keep it open. It will be easier to follow the curve of the eyelid and get a straight line.
Unlike the pencil, liquid eyeliner should not be applied at once, we obtain much better results in small brush strokes applied to the lash line, taking care to connect each part.
Finally eyeliner tips, if your pen does not slip enough, you can spend a second in the flame of a candle. Let it cool: slide your pen ever!