Apply Eyeliner According to Your Eye Shape

Eyeliner Styles

Apply Eyeliner According to Your Eye Shape

Well we know that the eyeliner is one of our best allies during this season, we can choose between different styles but what is best for you ?. Many beauty now we tell you how you apply according to Your eye shape of your eye.

The eyeliner may serve to give more depth to the look and highlight the eyes, making them look bigger, if we use it well... Discover how you profile them according to their form :
  • If your eyes are almond is very simple : Start profiling the upper lash line, from start to finish, but adding thickness gradually.
  • If your eyes are almond shape simply lash line from start to finish, without enlarging or ascend the stroke.
  • If your eyelids are drooping should outline the upper lid with an ascending line, as explained in more detail in this article.
Finally, if you have dark circles and it is difficult to hide is not recommended that profiles the lower eyelid, as it will bring more darkness to the area and instead to hide dark circles, stand out even more.